Week 4 (10.9 - 10.15)

Until now, the tutorial was very rough looking, and didn't look much like a forest. We finally added a Terrain object to make low-poly hills and such, and added a bunch more trees and decorations to make the level look nicer.

We also started working on a checkpoint system, allowing Skippy to respawn at certain points throughout the map instead of at the beginning.

After considering our presentation's feedback, we're deciding to pivot more towards exploration rather than survival, and we need to cut down on the scope of the game so we need to focus on the bedroom level. This means making the water mechanic much less punishing, and making collectibles a core part of the gameplay.

We've decided to make running out of water slow you down and disable your spin attack instead of outright respawning you. We've decided to make the core gameplay of the house level quest focused; when you reach the window, you'll meet a magpie blocking your way. You'll need to complete quests for it in order to get passed and escape into the forest.

We've started to implement a rudimentary dialogue system as well. The typewriter effect is done, the hard part is to put it in a GUI text box now.


Design Doc.pdf 6 MB
Oct 11, 2023
Skippy-v0.2.zip 63 MB
Oct 11, 2023

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